➜ BAI (new BMI: more accurate and effective)
➜ Ideal Weight
➨Make sure you have a weight acceptable with these two calculators:
➜ Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculation that takes into account body weight and height of the person, often used to classify obesity in adults. The BMI is not suitable for children, the elderly and muscular. (Eg, muscular people may be considered overweight in this test)
➜ Body Adiposity Index (BAI): It's a new way to assess adiposity in adults is utilizanda as a more reliable alternative for measuring body fat. To calculate the BAI is necessary height and hip measurement.
Body Mass Index Calculator BMI Calculator BMI Calculator BMI calculator metric Adult Body Mass Index BMI Calculator Free Adult Body Mass Index Calculator Free BMI Calculator Percentile Percentile healthy weight units of measurement English units of measurement metric slimming.